Monday, June 19, 2017

Hershey Kisses, Alex, and Natalie

Since I last wrote, I am 8 hours further north and a bunch of degrees colder. The bus ride to Isafjordur was by far the most beautiful, but also the most stressful, drive I have ever taken. We were way too up close and personal with the cliffs by the ocean, blowing around in the breeze. I was freaking out. On the way we also stopped at a really beautiful volcano (not active anymore). See pictures at the bottom again!

Here in Isafjordur, I am staying with one of my classmates, Megan, and our host family. They are a couple, Hofi and Christian, and their daughter Helga who is 2 and a half. Megan and I are definitely the ugliest people in the house. Christian is an attorney and Helga is an accountant at the local power plant. They live in a little apartment in the middle of town a nice 5 minute walk away from our university where we have class. They have been so nice, the food has been incredible, and they really like the Hershey kisses I brought them (they ate half the bag last night alone), so we are off to a good start.

Today I’m going to introduce you to 2 people, because they were my first roommates and I’ve gotten to know them pretty well for such a short amount of time.

First is Alex. She is 22 and currently living in Texas studying Environmental Toxicology at University of North Texas. She has lived all over the county (6 states maybe?) and did her first couple years of college at University at Arkansas. She used to be a soccer player until she got kicked so hard in the eye that she is now 70-80 percent blind in that eye. She is super tough, she’s moved around a lot and had plenty of health issues in the brainal region, but is so open and kind to everyone as long as they aren’t a jerk. She hates kids, but she is the true mom of our group.  

Then there’s Natalie, who was also on my flight to Iceland from JFK. She is a little 5’2” bundle of fun. She is from New York somewhere near the coast, goes to Swarthmore College (Nanny you know that one!), and is studying Political Science and Environmental Studies. She is very friendly and happy all the time, so she’s someone you always want to have around.

Natalie, Alex, and I roomed together from Day 1 until we got here to Isafjordur. My favorite day with them was our last full one in Solheimar when I walked into the room fully intending to go to the gym right away and didn’t leave the room until 2 hours later. We had one of the best conversations ever. And that’s all I’ll say about it.

But later that night, Natalie went to bed earlier than Alex and I, and so the 2 of us were whispering talking while Natalie was asleep. And we had had so much groundbreaking deep talking that day that Natalie’s subconscious wanted so badly to be a part of it that she sleep-talked her way into the conversation and woke herself up as a result. It was classic.

Also Alex, Natalie, our other friend Carter (more on him later), and I unanimously voted Larry “most likely to make new friends in any situation”, “most likely to be in a reality TV show”, and “most likely to cross-dress” on the bus ride here.  That’s how you really know we’re all on the same page in life. 

So...sending my love from really really really far away! 

View from my backyard for the next 2 weeks

View from 10 minutes away from where I'm staying for the next 2 weeks

The volcano I mentioned before

Isafjordur exists because of its fishing industry

Some uncomfy views from our bus ride through the fjords

Squad! From left to right: Natalie, Alex, Me, Lar Lar, Carter